Cher, though she achieved the demon statue, is still afraid of the Nine Doubts tripod. When she heard Li Yueling’s words, she nodded and said that the ban outside the tripod had been completely broken. My brother needs to cover the bull’s head and snake’s body in the tripod with three drops of painstaking efforts, and then sacrifice it immediately. If fortunately, the Nine Doubts tripod will recognize your master. This treasure is different from other things. It needs to be determined by the spirit to recognize the master’s mind.


You must remember that if you don’t recognize the Lord after all your efforts, don’t force yourself to be bullied by this treasure. It’s a destiny for my sister to have a dream and stay in the Antarctic forever.
This thing also wants to recognize the main Cher elder sister. Why didn’t you tell the younger brother before? Li Yueling consciously asked 1. Suddenly, she found tears looming in Cher’s eyes. She couldn’t help but secretly scold herself for being stupid. Cher elder sister really wanted to go with her. Even though she knew in advance, she was afraid that once she said that she would give up the idea of taking nine suspects.
If we dig deeper, it is that Cher is deeply attached to Li Yueling, so I don’t know about the feelings of my brother and sister or anything else.
The rising of the sea of hearts and Daniel lee’s spirit moved me. It’s very rare to seriously express that Sister Xueer’s nine doubts are settled. I don’t care whether he recognizes the Lord or not, even if it is smashed and smashed, I will return it to my sister.
Silly brother Jiu Yi Ding is an ancient demon treasure. Can you destroy it if you say it is destroyed? Listen to your sister’s words. Don’t force Cher to smell Li Yueling’s sincere words and smile through tears. She said a sentence that has already flashed and graceful. The nine-headed Hiderigami nine-tailed fox king, the guardian door of the main hall, gathered in one place.
After Cher left, Li Yueling didn’t hesitate to make himself settled straight on the edge of the magnetic column that shone with brilliant golden light. Looking down, he saw a small triangular tripod with perfect gold, the size of which was only two or three feet, embedded in the column.
Cher, the tripod cover, said that an animal was born with an ox head, a snake body, a nose, a lion’s tail, six legs and four wings, and its front legs were high, and its rear legs were getting lower and lower, which was extremely vicious.
The tripod cover is not big, but the monster is vividly portrayed and fierce, and the more you look at it, the more frightening it is.
Look at the tripod belly is full of all kinds of things, from heaven, earth, mountains, rivers, clouds, thunderstorms to the sun, the moon and the stars. I have never seen monsters, evil spirits, small insects and fish.
The most amazing thing is that all kinds of things don’t look lively and dance, so many things, regardless of their size, are independent, and there are many Zhu Fu seals in the congestion phenomenon.
Strange and ancient shapes are also brilliant.
Master Jiu Yi Ding Dao has decided you.
Chapter two hundred and four Red eyes are rare
Three drops of bright red blood dripped from nine suspected tripod animals, and Li Yueling was also nervous before. As soon as the blood beads touched the tripod cover animals, they melted into them and disappeared in a flash. It was the glittering animals that seemed to be alive, but they were faintly visible. Li Yueling was also shocked.
This guy is alive, and the head of the ox, the head of the snake, the six feet and four wings, the beast has gradually taken off the tripod cover, so its only tail is tightly integrated into the tripod cover, and its eyes shining with jewels have never been pulled out. Li Yueling’s eyes are right, and this situation is really weird to the extreme.
Did you wake up the demon spirit? The animal actually spoke in a low voice and said
Isn’t the Nine Doubts Ding a magic weapon? How can it change a monster to Li Yueling? Today, there are also questions all over his head, but now is not the time to consider these issues.
Obviously, this animal from the nine-doubt tripod will be the key. After listening to its inquiry, Li Yueling turned his head and thought that the answer was the best.
If Cher is still here at the moment, she will definitely tell Li Yueling that this monster is a rare mount of the ancient Emperor Yan, and it is also a demon fairyland that has been achieved in ancient times.
This nine-suspected tripod is the sacred mausoleum of Emperor Yan. When Emperor Yan Shennong ascended to the purple mansion, it was rare because of the deepening of the road. Other people’s mounts not only slipped away when Emperor Yan ascended, but also were a disaster for the world. It proved that Emperor Yan had become immortal for a while and immediately thought about it after he had followed him for many years. It was also unbearable to destroy this rare sight.
But I’m afraid it will harm people again.
Therefore, Emperor Yan tried to refine a magic tripod by means of heaven, but his spirit was imprisoned in nine suspicious tripods. Although the nine suspicious tripods became red-eyed, they were still in practice for several years, and I don’t know how many monsters’ spirits were refined.
Always let it achieve the demon wonderland with the demon spirit.
If the flesh of the red-eyed beast is still a demon wonderland, it should be ascended to the purple mansion celestial realm.
However, due to the fact that Jiu Yi Ding was refined by Yan Di, a great generation of Jin Xian, it was too severe to be banned, and it was also a spiritual body, but it took many years to get away from Ding.
It is also a coincidence that more than a thousand years ago, Shushan’s younger brother got this side of the nine-doubt tripod. Although it is a god tripod, it has never awakened the sleeping tripod.
After a lapse of more than a thousand years, Li Yueling dripped his painstaking efforts on the tripod cover, and at the same time, it coincided with the sudden awakening of the red eyes. This demon spirit smelled attractive blood, but it appeared in front of Li Yueling.
It’s hard to see Li Yueling’s response, but it’s also difficult to see his changeable expression. It’s also a hindrance to the demon spirit if you don’t reply. Then go back to the tripod and you’ll never think about yourself again.
Wait, Li Yueling, is it a pity that such a thing happened? I laughed kindly at the demon spirit when my eyes turned, right? I woke you up. I was just frightened and rude. Forgive me.
Oh, the red eyes are rare, and they have been oppressed in the tripod for too long. Although the success of the nine suspected tripods is great, there is not a living thing. Imagine who has been practicing alone for many years and will feel the same as it.
You want a nine-doubt tripod, don’t you? You want a demon spirit to help you with one arm, but you can become red-eyed and flapped. It seems that your heart is tempting Li Yueling to say
What’s so cheap? Look at this monster. A tail is still being melted into the tripod. It’s because I’m trapped. I want to play with my mind. You’re still too young. Li Yueling’s face in his heart is flattered. The demon king is really willing to give me the tripod.
A pair of red eyes suddenly shot two sharp rays. Don’t call me king. You can call me demon spirit and red pupil. You need to promise me one thing if you want the tripod.
Look at your minor repairs. Although your strength is pitifully weak, you are still honest, otherwise the demon spirit won’t bother you.
What a big breath! Li Yueling tried to explore. Where have you been with your red pupil predecessors?

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